working on my new sewing space. it's a garage in hayes valley, that apparently has never housed a car, or not for a long time. previous tenants have included a set designer and a florist. that's ali, painting the back wall gold....john divola photography. the guy came to my college ages ago to give a presentation of his work, and i happened to be there at the lecture ages ago. i've been visiting his site for ages. his work is so california; so un-pretentious, just a guy with a camera. he's been shooting since the 1970's and has series names like 'dogs chasing my car in the desert,' or 'as far as i could get.' and sewing. always sewing... i made ali a bag like mine (original on the left), and i made miss lexie a skirt. i hope she sends photos...
**currently listening to patience & prudence's tonight you belong to me.